Gamification and Quality Control

Cortensor employs an innovative approach to network development and quality assurance through gamification and a robust quality control system. This strategy ensures the continuous improvement of the network's capabilities while maintaining high standards of service.

Proof of Useful Work (PoUW)

Cortensor implements a novel consensus mechanism called Proof of Useful Work (PoUW), which combines network security with practical AI tasks.

Level 1: Network Liveness

  • Purpose: Ensure basic functionality and responsiveness of inference nodes.

  • Process:

    1. Randomly selected nodes generate short questions on selected topics.

    2. Other nodes provide completions for these questions.

    3. Validation nodes assess and score the responses.

  • Outcome: Establishes a minimum performance threshold for node participation.

Level 2: Capability Assessment

  • Purpose: Evaluate and rank nodes based on their processing speed and capabilities.

  • Process:

    1. Nodes are challenged with more complex AI tasks within time constraints.

    2. Performance is measured in terms of token speed and task completion quality.

  • Outcome: Categorizes nodes based on their capabilities, enabling efficient task allocation.

Gamified Supply-Side Development

Cortensor incentivizes network growth through a gamified approach:

  1. Public Participation: Anyone can provide and run binary/system images to become validators.

  2. Competitive Environment: Nodes compete to improve their performance and capabilities.

  3. Tiered Progression: Nodes advance through levels, unlocking access to more complex tasks and higher rewards.

Quality Control Mechanisms

Intelligent Routing

  • Router nodes analyze task requirements and node capabilities.

  • Ensures optimal matching of AI inference tasks to appropriate nodes.

Multi-Layer Validation

  1. Router Validation: Initial check of task completion and basic quality assessment.

  2. Guard Node Validation: In-depth verification of results and scoring for accuracy.

  3. Reputation System: Nodes build reputation scores based on performance and result quality.

Fraud Prevention

  • Multiple validation nodes assess each task to detect and prevent malicious behavior.

  • Consensus-based scoring system ensures fair and accurate evaluations.

Benefits of Gamification and Quality Control

  1. Continuous Improvement: Encourages nodes to upgrade their hardware and optimize performance.

  2. Dynamic Network Adaptation: The network evolves to meet changing demands and technological advancements.

  3. High-Quality Results: Rigorous validation ensures reliable and accurate AI inference outputs.

  4. Fair Reward Distribution: Performance-based incentives align node operator interests with network goals.

Synthetic Data Generation

As a byproduct of the PoUW process, Cortensor generates valuable synthetic data:

  • Use Cases: Training data for AI models, benchmarking, and network optimization.

  • Future Potential: Development of on-demand synthetic data generation frameworks.

Future Developments

Cortensor plans to enhance its gamification and quality control features:

  • Advanced PoUW algorithms for more diverse AI tasks.

  • Integration of federated learning principles into the validation process.

  • Expansion of synthetic data generation capabilities for specific industry applications.

Last updated