NOTE: We are currently in the closed alpha phase for precursor miner testing. To set up and run the process below, you’ll need test ETH on Arbitrum Sepolia for your miner’s address. After generating the key from cortensord, you can obtain test ETH from a public faucet or contact us, and we’ll send some test ETH on Arbitrum Sepolia.
$ curl -L -o cortensor-installer-latest.tar.gz
$ tar xzfv cortensor-installer-latest.tar.gz
$ cd installer
Clone Installer
$ git clone
$ cd installer
Git for Windows User
Download Git for Windows Standalone Installer from official website
2. Installation & Setup
Linux - Ubuntu 22.04 & Debian 12
Install - Docker, IPFS & Cortensord
# Run it as 'root'
$ cd installer
# Install Docker for ubuntu 22.04
$ ./
# Install Docker for debian
$ ./
# Install IPFS
$ ./
# Install Cortensord
$ ./
# Copy installer folder to deploy home
$ cp -Rf ./installer /home/deploy/installer
$ chown -R deploy.deploy /home/deploy/installer
# Logoff or start another shell
$ sudo su deploy
$ cd ~/
# Verify installation
$ ls -al /usr/local/bin/cortensord
$ ls -al $HOME/.cortensor/bin/cortensord
$ ls -al /etc/systemd/system/cortensor.service
$ ls -al $HOME/.cortensor/bin/
$ ls -al $HOME/.cortensor/bin/
$ docker version
$ ipfs version
Setup - Your address needs to be whitelisted in advance by Cortensor Admin
# switch account to 'deploy' which was created from previous install step
$ sudo su deploy
$ cd ~/
# Geenerate Key for the ndoe
$ /usr/local/bin/cortensord ~/.cortensor/.env tool gen_key
# Please contact Cortensor support or mod to whitelist your address
$ /usr/local/bin/cortensord ~/.cortensor/.env tool register
$ /usr/local/bin/cortensord ~/.cortensor/.env tool verify
$ sudo su deploy
$ export PATH=$PATH:~/.cortensor/bin
$ cd ~/.cortensor && cortensord ~/.cortensor/.env minerv2 1 docker
# or use script to start & stop
$ sudo su deploy
$ cd ~/.cortensor && ~/.cortensor/bin/
$ cd ~/.cortensor && ~/.cortensor/bin/
Start MinerV2 Manually (With LLM engine as subprocess)
$ sudo su deploy
$ export PATH=$PATH:~/.cortensor/bin
$ cd ~/.cortensor && cortensord ~/.cortensor/.env minerv2
OSX/Darwin - ARM64
Install - IPFS & Cortensord
$ cd installer
# Install IPFS
$ ./
# Install Cortensord
$ ./
# Logoff or start another shell
# Verify installation
$ ls -al $HOME/.cortensor/bin/cortensord
$ ls -al $HOME/.cortensor/bin/
$ ls -al $HOME/.cortensor/bin/
$ $HOME/.cortensor/bin/ipfs version
Setup - Your address needs to be whitelisted in advance by Cortensor Admin
$ cd ~/
# Geenerate Key for the node
$ $HOME/.cortensor/bin/cortensord ~/.cortensor/.env tool gen_key
# Please contact Cortensor support or mod to whitelist your address
$ $HOME/.cortensor/bin/cortensord ~/.cortensor/.env tool register
$ $HOME/.cortensor/bin/cortensord ~/.cortensor/.env tool verify
$ cd ~/.cortensor && $HOME/bin/cortensord ~/.cortensor/.env minerv2
Windows Cygwin - AMD64
Install - Cygwin & Python
1a. Follow the instruction on to install Cygwin
- Git
- Unzip
1b. Simply install Git for Windows which will install Cygwin
Download Git for Windows Standalone Installer from official website
2. Install Python 3.13
Install - IPFS & Cortensord
$ cd installer
# Install IPFS
$ ./
# Install Cortensord
$ ./
# Logoff or start another cygwin shell
# Verify installation
$ ls -al $HOME/.cortensor/bin/cortensord
$ ls -al $HOME/.cortensor/
$ ls -al $HOME/.cortensor/
$ $HOME/.cortensor/bin/ipfs version
Setup - Your address needs to be whitelisted in advance by Cortensor Admin
$ cd ~/
# Geenerate Key for the node
$ $HOME/.cortensor/bin/cortensord ~/.cortensor/.env tool gen_key
# Please contact Cortensor support or mod to whitelist your address
$ $HOME/.cortensor/bin/cortensord ~/.cortensor/.env tool register
$ $HOME/.cortensor/bin/cortensord ~/.cortensor/.env tool verify
Start MinerV2 Manually - Run under deploy user account
$ sudo su deploy
$ cd ~/.cortensor && $HOME/.cortensor/bin/cortensord ~/.cortensor/.env minerv2
Enable GPU support
Update .env file to enable GPU support
# Update .env file to enable GPU support
# Update to 1
# Leave to -1 as automatic mode or you can configure your threshold
# number of LLM layers to be offload to GPU
# To start with GPU support, you need to use subprocess for LLM engine
$ cortensord ~/.cortensor/.env minerv2
3. Upgrade
Linux - Ubuntu 22.04 & Debian
$ sudo su deploy
$ cd installer
$ git pull
$ ./
OSX/Darwin - ARM64
$ cd installer
$ git pull
$ ./
Windows Cygwin - AMD64
$ cd installer
$ git pull
$ ./
Debugging & Troubleshoot
Kill IPFS process - Windows, OSX, Linux
$ sudo su deploy
$ cd ./installer
$ ./utils/
Debugging & Troubleshoot (Linux)
Check Log
$ ls -alh /var/log/cortensord.log
$ tail -f /var/log/cortensord.log
Check Node Address & ID
$ /usr/local/bin/cortensord ~/.cortensor/.env tool id
Disclaimer: This page and the associated documents are currently a work in progress. The information provided may not be up to date and is subject to change at any time.