
Cortensor employs LLM (Large Language Model) quantization to adapt to a wide range of hardware devices, from low-end CPUs to high-end GPUs. Quantization is a process that reduces the precision of the model’s parameters, allowing the model to run efficiently on less powerful hardware without significantly compromising accuracy. This capability is crucial for democratizing AI inference, enabling broader accessibility, and ensuring that AI-powered applications can operate on diverse devices.

What is LLM Quantization?

LLM quantization is the process of converting a model's parameters, typically stored in high precision (e.g., 32-bit floating-point), into lower precision formats (e.g., 8-bit integers). This reduction in precision significantly decreases the model's size and computational requirements, making it possible to run complex AI models on devices with limited computational power.

Why is LLM Quantization Useful?

Quantization is especially useful in scenarios where AI inference tasks do not require real-time processing or extremely high precision. By enabling models to run on a variety of devices, quantization allows Cortensor to support a more inclusive and adaptive AI ecosystem. Here’s why it’s important:

  1. Adaptation Across Hardware:

    • Low-End CPUs: Can handle basic AI tasks such as text classification, simple content generation, or basic data sorting.

    • High-End GPUs: For miners using high-end GPUs who choose not to use quantization, their devices will be assigned to tasks requiring high accuracy and quality outputs. If high-end devices do utilize quantization, they can process tasks much faster, serving more user requests, albeit with lower precision and accuracy. This flexibility ensures that precision-critical applications, such as detailed chatbot responses or knowledge retrieval, are handled by the most capable hardware when needed.

  2. Cost-Effective AI Solutions:

    • By offloading less critical tasks to lower-end devices, Cortensor can offer more cost-effective AI services. This approach lowers the barrier to entry for AI-enabled applications and makes advanced AI capabilities accessible to a broader audience.

  3. Broad Use Cases:

    • Text Classification: Basic categorization tasks can be performed on lower-end devices.

    • Content Generation: Non-time-sensitive content creation tasks can be distributed across a variety of hardware.

    • Predictive Analytics: For tasks where near-instantaneous results are not required, quantized models can provide efficient and effective solutions.

Cortensor's Approach to Quantization

Cortensor’s network takes full advantage of LLM quantization by regularly testing and classifying the capabilities of each device through its gamified quality control processes, namely Proof of Inference (PoI) and Proof of Useful Work (PoUW). These processes help categorize devices into low-end and high-end tiers, with or without using quantization. By continuously assessing device performance, the network can dynamically allocate tasks to the most suitable hardware, ensuring both efficiency and cost-effectiveness. For miners with high-end GPUs who opt not to use quantization, their hardware will be prioritized for high-accuracy tasks, while those using quantization can serve a larger volume of requests more quickly, though with slightly reduced precision.

User Flexibility in Service Subscription

Cortensor also provides flexibility for users during service subscription. Users can choose whether to prioritize cost-effectiveness with quantized models or opt for higher accuracy by selecting services that utilize non-quantized models on high-end GPUs. This allows users to tailor their AI inference services to their specific needs, whether they require rapid responses or the highest possible accuracy.


LLM quantization is a pivotal component of Cortensor’s strategy to build an inclusive and adaptive AI ecosystem. By enabling AI inference on a wide range of devices, from basic CPUs to advanced GPUs, Cortensor ensures that AI technology is accessible, scalable, and cost-effective. This flexibility, combined with Cortensor's robust quality control processes, supports a diverse array of AI applications and use cases, driving the broader adoption of AI in everyday applications. Whether through quantized models on lower-end devices or high-precision outputs on top-tier hardware, Cortensor provides tailored solutions to meet the varied needs of its users and miners.

Last updated